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About Our Firm

Strichartz Aspaas PLLC provides a full range of services to condominium associations and homeowner associations for planned unit developments.

Although based in Seattle, SA PLLC  holds the edge in representing associations anywhere in Washington, through our extensive use of technology and innovative strategies to efficiently handle court cases in any county in Washington.

Our long-term professional relationships with our association clients reflect the creative and practical ideas we bring to the table in working with association boards.

To serve association assessment collection needs, SA PLLC has an extensive association creditor rights department with experienced former banking industry attorneys, heading up a large staff of experienced paralegals to keep expenses low.  The firm maintains a high volume practice representing condominium associations and homeowner associations in collections, foreclosures and evictions, and bankruptcies.

From routine transactional matters to complex litigation and all points in between, SA PLLC provides responsive, results-based representation to Washington associations.

Our attorneys are available to meet with association directors and attend membership meetings throughout Washington, in person or via videoconference or teleconference, day or evening as preferred.

To maximize our effectiveness in serving our clients, SA PLLC limits its representation to owner-controlled associations, and does not represent individual owners, developers or management companies.  We advocate tirelessly for our association clients.

Strichartz Aspaas PLLC


Strichartz Aspaas PLLC


Office Location

2101 Fourth Avenue
Suite 860
Seattle, Washington 98121
206-388-0600 (phone)
206-286-2650 (facsimile)
[email protected]